Sending soft (or digital) proofs to customers is unavoidable in today’s age of remote work, but you can avoid some of the hassles typical of the process. Avanti’s product development team has spent the last year asking printers about their major grievances with the soft-proofing process and considering solutions. In response, we developed a new add-on module for the Avanti Slingshot Print MIS that addresses those common problems and better integrates soft proofing into the overall print process.
Here are the four main hassles customers mentioned, and how Avanti’s new, Live Proofing module can help you avoid them:
Hassle #1: Having to download and reformat the proof.
Problem: To prepare a document for proofing, the production staff often has to download and reformat the document for easy transmission through email. That wastes time and makes the file more susceptible to corruption due to reformatting errors.
Solution: With Live Proofing, you avoid both these steps. The production staff simply goes to the Sales Order interface and drops the proof PDF file into a hot folder on the print shop’s network. The software then pulls the proof automatically into the MIS interface, ready for distribution.
Hassle #2: Email – including finding email addresses and maintaining security of files.
Problem: Even after downloading and reformatting, soft proofs can get further delayed as production staffers look for email addresses or determine the various recipients. Then there are the problems on the other end: making sure the recipients see the email, open it in a timely manner and respond by email without any glitches. All these steps waste time and interrupt workflow.
There are also concerns about the security of email files. When a proof leaves the MIS and is transmitted by email, it can be lost, blocked, altered, or printed by an unauthorized party. That puts everyone at risk.
Solution: With Live Proofing, the mailing list is preset through Slingshot’s Triggers and Alerts module. This eliminates the hunt for email address and lists. Since the document arrives as a secure link and is opened in an incorporated PDF viewer – rather than downloaded onto the client’s system -- the file remains protected and secure.
Hassle #3: Ensuring consistency in how customers view proofs.
Problem: When clients receive proofs as an email attachment, they must download the file and open it in whatever software package and version they have on their computers. That can lead to confusion if the proof looks different on their screen from what you created at the shop. Entering and tracking changes on disparate systems can also leave room for error.
Solution: Live Proofing uses an embedded PDF review module, providing all viewers with a common platform. When customers click on the link to review the file, they will see the proof in a sophisticated HTML5 browser, which provides accurate displays of overprint and transparencies. They simply mark the proof with any questions or suggestions and click “Reject” to send it back for changes or click on “Approve” to accept the proof as is. Production staff members receive an alert of what action to take.

Hassle #4: Keeping track of multiple versions of proofs as changes are made.
Problem: Is this the right version of the proof? Who approved it? When did the client send these changes? Did the client see the latest version?
Solution: With Live Proofing, all actions taken on the soft proof are tracked directly in the MIS. You can see when the proof was sent and to whom, as well as who approved or rejected each version. All versions remain easy to track on the Sales Order screen, as well as the Shop Floor and Job View screens, which greatly reduces the chance for miscommunication. The production staff also receives immediate notification when the proof is ready for the next steps, which prevents unnecessary delays. These are all common questions print shops face when soft proofs are sent back and forth without an automatic, centralized tracking system. The juggling can contribute to mistakes or frustrations – both of which can impact customer satisfaction.
Customers who have participated in beta testing Live Proofing have attested they no longer deal with these four hassles. Soft proofing is now a smoother and quicker process, and that makes everyone – from your staff to your clients – a whole lot happier.
Want to know more about Avanti’s Live Proofing module? Click here to talk to an Avanti specialist or schedule a live demo. You also can view a video walk-through of Live Proofing here.