The Power of Avanti Slingshot® Print MIS Integrations

Josh Perkins | September 16, 2024

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Imagine a print production workflow that operates with the precision of a Swiss watch — orders flowing seamlessly from intake to fulfillment, data syncing effortlessly across systems, and production humming at maximum efficiency. This is possible through the power of integrations, the seamless connections between different software systems that allow them to communicate and share data automatically.

By integrating your print Management Information System (MIS) with other vital tools in your technology stack, you can break down data silos, eliminate manual processes, and achieve a level of automation that unlocks new levels of efficiency and profitability.

Avanti Slingshot is built from the ground up to support this integrated approach, acting as the central nervous system that connects every facet of your operation. From web-to-print platforms to production equipment, and shipping providers to accounting systems, Avanti Slingshot empowers a truly connected print ecosystem.

Avanti Slingshot: Built on a Foundation of Integration

Vendor Agnostic. Customer-Centric. Integration-Driven. These are the core tenets that define the Avanti Slingshot approach to print MIS. From day one, Avanti has prioritized building a solution that seamlessly integrates with a wide range of third-party systems, recognizing that printers rely on a diverse ecosystem of tools to manage their businesses. This commitment to open connectivity sets Avanti Slingshot apart, empowering printers to build truly customized workflows that precisely meet their needs.

“We don’t say no,” emphasizes Josh Perkins, Director of Product Management for Avanti Slingshot, when discussing the company’s approach to integration. “We are vendor agnostic. We will always integrate if there are integration capabilities, and of course, based on the customer’s requirements.” 

This philosophy extends beyond just accommodating existing systems. Avanti actively seeks to understand customer needs and build solutions that align with their preferred tools. As Josh explains, “It’s our customers driving our development of our integration frameworks.” This approach translates to tangible benefits for printers:

  • Freedom of Choice: You’re not locked into a specific vendor ecosystem. Choose the best-in-breed solutions for each aspect of your business, confident that Avanti Slingshot can connect them.
  • Simplified Workflows: Reduce the complexity of managing multiple systems by automating the flow of data between them. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, minimizing errors and freeing up staff for more strategic tasks.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Gain a comprehensive view of your entire print operation, with real-time insights into job status, inventory levels, shipping updates, and financial performance.
  • Future-Proof Flexibility: As your business evolves and new technologies emerge, Avanti Slingshot’s integration-focused architecture makes it easy to adapt and embrace change.

By putting the customer’s needs first and prioritizing open connectivity, Avanti Slingshot provides a powerful foundation for building an optimized print production workflow.

A Connected Ecosystem: Exploring Avanti Slingshot’s Key Integrations

Avanti’s commitment to open connectivity is reflected in the breadth and depth of its integrations, spanning every facet of the print production workflow. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key integration categories that empower printers to optimize their operations.

Web-to-Print Solutions

In today’s digital landscape, online ordering and customer storefronts are essential tools for printers. Avanti Slingshot integrates seamlessly with leading web-to-print platforms, allowing orders to flow directly into the system, automatically creating jobs and eliminating the need for manual data entry. As Perkins explains, these integrations “enable what we call a touchless workflow,” reducing errors and freeing up staff for more value-added tasks.

Production Systems (JDF/JMF)

For many print operations, the production floor is the heart of the business. Avanti Slingshot leverages the industry-standard Job Definition Format (JDF) and Job Messaging Format (JMF) to create a direct connection between the MIS and production equipment. This integration enables automated job scheduling, routing, tracking, and data collection, transforming the production floor into a finely tuned, data-driven operation.

Perkins highlights the importance of JDF/JMF, stating, “There’s almost always the opportunity to integrate production systems with JDF because it’s an industry standard for communication in the print industry.”

Shipping & Fulfillment Providers

Getting printed materials into the hands of customers quickly and efficiently is a top priority. Avanti Slingshot’s integrations with major shipping carriers like FedEx and UPS streamline this process, automating everything from carrier selection and label generation to real-time tracking updates. These connections not only save time and reduce errors but also empower printers to offer their customers a more transparent and satisfying delivery experience.


Business & Accounting Systems

Keeping financial operations in sync with print production is crucial for profitability. Avanti Slingshot integrates with popular accounting solutions, such as QuickBooks, automating tasks like estimating, quoting, invoicing, payment processing, and financial reporting.

This integration, Perkins explains, helps eliminate the risk of disparate systems, disparate information by ensuring that your print production data is always reflected accurately in your financial records.

Additional Integration Points

Beyond these core categories, Avanti Slingshot extends its reach to other essential tools, including prepress software, mailing and fulfillment systems, data collection and analysis platforms, CRM solutions, and marketing automation tools. This comprehensive approach ensures that Avanti Slingshot can connect with virtually any system in your print production ecosystem, allowing you to build a truly customized and optimized workflow.

Beyond Software: Avanti’s Consultative Approach to Workflow Optimization

Avantit’s commitment to customer success extends beyond just providing powerful software. The company takes a consultative approach, working closely with printers to analyze their unique workflows and recommend tailored integration strategies that maximize efficiency and profitability.

“For new customers or prospects,” Perkins explains, “we create what’s called a present state and a future state diagram, [a] workflow diagram” to map out their current processes and identify areas for improvement. This collaborative process ensures that integrations are implemented strategically to address specific pain points and achieve desired outcomes.

For existing Avanti Slingshot users, the company offers a service called a “workflow assessment.” “We go on-site,” says Perkins, “and review their workflow. How are they currently using the Avanti Slingshot system — not just for integrations, but in general.” This assessment helps identify opportunities to further optimize workflows, leverage new integrations, and ensure that printers are getting the most out of their investment in Avanti Slingshot.

By combining powerful software with expert guidance, Avanti empowers printers to not just implement integrations but to truly transform their workflows and achieve a new level of operational excellence.

Experience the Avanti Advantage: Connect, Automate, and Thrive

Avanti Slingshot empowers printers to achieve a new level of operational excellence by connecting and automating every facet of the print production workflow. By integrating with a wide range of third-party systems — from web-to-print platforms to production equipment, shipping providers to accounting solutions — Avanti Slingshot eliminates data silos, streamlines processes, and provides real-time visibility into every aspect of your business. This translates to faster turnaround times, reduced errors, improved profitability, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Ready to unlock the power of a truly connected print ecosystem? Avanti takes a consultative approach, working closely with printers to understand their unique needs and challenges. Through expert workflow assessments and a deep understanding of print production, Avanti helps you leverage integrations to transform your operations and achieve your business goals. 

Explore the full range of Avanti Slingshot integrations today and contact us to discover how they can help your printing business thrive.