Installing a modern print MIS is an important step in creating a lean, quality-focused and cost-effective print shop -- but that’s only the beginning. Once installation is complete and the system is operating properly, it’s critical to schedule regular “tune-ups,” just as you would with your piano or automobile. We call these tune-ups “workflow evaluations,” and they are available to all Avanti customers as well as other print shops wanting a thorough evaluation and assessment of how well their print MIS is serving their business.
To better explain this service, let us take you behind the scenes at a typical workflow evaluation, where we follow these six steps:
Step One: Determine the objectives

When a print shop contacts Avanti about doing a workflow evaluation, we start by asking, “What do you want to accomplish?” For relatively new Avanti Slingshot users, that goal might be learning to better utilize the full capabilities of the MIS. Another shop may notice and want to eliminate silos of automation, places where information is not flowing seamlessly from one step to the next. Other businesses have very specific problems they want to tackle, like better managing inventory to reduce waste, or making the soft-proofing process smoother.
Don’t use an Avanti product? Perhaps your objective is to determine how well your current MIS is working and whether a system like Avanti Slingshot would better set you up for success.
In every case, our workflow experts listen, ask questions and then determine how a workflow evaluation can best address the objectives most important to the customer.
Step Two: Schedule the visit
Workflow evaluations don’t always have to be in-person. In fact, these days, many take place online. Either way, our workflow experts work with the print shop to determine which approach is optimal and to schedule convenient dates for a physical or virtual walk-through. Walk-throughs typically take one or two days, depending on the scope of the task. You don’t need to stop the presses during this visit – in fact, we will want to see your shop in full function – but we recommend you choose a time where there’s some margin for dialogue and discussion.
Step Three: Conduct the walk-through
The evaluation always starts with a walk-through on site or virtually, so our workflow expert can see the shop in action and ask necessary questions. Even if your objective is focused on a narrow problem or goal, we like to gain a full understanding of your scope of work, processes, workflows and staffing. Starting with the big picture helps us come up with fully-informed solutions that work smoothly into your business model and practices.
The business segments we cover during the walk-through include: estimating, sales order, inventory, production, distribution, billing and accounting.

Step Four: Gather staff input
Our workflow experts will talk with print shop staff at all levels and in all departments to determine how the MIS is used within their scope of work. They might ask questions like:
- How is the MIS used in your work area?
- Does the MIS make your work easier, smoother and more efficient? If not, why?
- Is information and data flowing fluidly and fully into and out of your work area?
- What tasks take time and/or create risk for error? Could those tasks be automated?
- How would you like the MIS to help you do your job better?
Step Five: Provide recommendations
Once the Avanti workflow expert completes the walk-through and meets with key staff members, he or she will develop a comprehensive evaluation report that includes observations and recommendations for improvement. The recommendations will indicate how the MIS could be changed, reconfigured or used more fully to address the stated goals and identified problems. The workflow expert also will identify return on investment for each recommended step.
For instance, our recommendations might discuss breakpoints in the flow of information, areas for growth in the business scope and operations, underutilized automation capabilities and technical upgrades or workarounds.
Step Six: Develop game plan
Print shops have the latitude to accept and implement all the workflow recommendations, or space out the changes over a longer period of time. Most shops choose to start with the areas of highest ROI so they can begin enjoying the benefits immediately.
The workflow expert will discuss a logical game plan as well as how Avanti can assist is that process with operational or technical support.
Your Next Step: Complete the Checklist
Most Avanti customers find that doing a workflow evaluation every year or two ensures they follow a path of continuous improvement, rather than getting stuck in the same ineffective ruts and routines. As a side bonus, companies that complete workflow evaluations report that their employee morale and work commitment improve through the process. That’s because workers have been given an opportunity to share their concerns, ask questions and play a role in solutions that make a difference.
Is it time for your company to consider a workflow evaluation? Use this checklist to help you decide.
We also invite you to speak to one of our workflow experts, free of obligation, to discuss how the process could benefit your print shop. Simply click here and fill out the contact form.